Thursday, June 26, 2008

Making Money in a GPT World

To make extra side money for your bills, vacation, or 4 dollar gas... You should know about your options in gpt world.
To go ahead & get started right away makin' money, honey, just click here!

They pay once a month, but it is for the previous entire month. What is it? Why, a gpt site of course! But not just any gpt. It is in fact, one of the best paying, most consistent gpt on the entire planet, and name is CashCrate. (I'll share with you what I consider the second and third best are, in future posts).

I've done the research and saved you the work of digging in and really sinking my teeth into what this whole system has to offer. What I've found is that you can complete fantastic offers sometimes and do insightful surveys that help shape the future and the products and services we'll all eventually be offered. That's pretty powerful stuff.

But there's a hidden side to the gpt systems that you may not realize. The fact is that you can get multiple streams of income without doing twice the work. It's thru setting up a strong referral stream of passive income instead. So get past any fear of failure and give it all you've got and I think you'll be very pleasantly surprised!
See, with Cashcrate, like the other gpts out there, the power of compounding is at work. The seeds you've planted really come back to you, & you'll reap your harvest much more quickly than in other industries like mlms (multilevel marketing companies).

With CashCrate you get to start out at what they call the Bronze Level. This earns you a full 20% of what the people you can get to sign up under you, make.

The even better news is that while you're in Bronze, you also get to earn an additional 10% of the earnings of their respective signups. That's awesome for you and me. But wait - it gets better...

After achieving so many signups that you have 50 people signed up under you, who're actively earning money, either thru doing offers or referring people, or both, as is usually the case, you move up to the next level, Silver.
Silver pays out to you 25% of the earnings of your 1st level, and you still get that earlier mentioned 10% of the second (remember: your second level are your signups signups!)

Once you've reached a total of 150 other people signed up under you, which is easy to do if you'll put the time into it, because it's free, you're now at the Gold Level. Gold pays you 25% for your first level signups, and now a sweet 15% of your second. Isn't that like, well, complete & utter coolness? It's so great because you aren't selling anything. People love the chance to make all the extra money they can, always have, but most especially in these times.

The thing about this is that it's something most anyone can do. Keep that in mind when you're seeking your signups. This is where you're work pays you back. If someone drops out, or no longer wants to complete surveys, there's always another person there in your 1st and 2nd levels to take up the slack. You can always increase your efforts, for free. Adding your unique referral URL to your signature is a great way to get signups without any extra work. Join groups, and talk about CashCrate and the money you've made, what you love about it, and you're all set. Those are proven great strategies you need to use to leverage your blogs, groups and message boards online. Add your signature with a link to your referral number to your outgoing email. Change the settings so that it automatically gets included with every email you send out or respond to. Simple. You're now making money while you snooze at night.

So getting back to the levels. At 300 active participating members who are all signed up under you, you achieve the glory of the Platinum Level. Platinum's great, again a testament to the power of leverage so that when you reach it, you'll really start to do your happy dance. Platinum pays very well, far above virtually all the other gpt sites out there. At this level you get to have a tasty 30% of your first level's money pie. Ch-ching! You'll also still receive a nice 15% in sweet passive income as you collect on all your signups' signups, not to mention snort-laughing all the way to the bank.

Finally, we have *cue the Heaven's parting orchestral music* the Big Kahuna. aka The Elite Status, baby! Now you're cooking with oil, as my daddy used to say.

When you've churned out the work of posting online, made your handy fliers and wallpapered your whole city with them, and generally posted all over the place, in both domestic and foreign countries; With your 500 active referrals under you - you deserve that much heralded level known as Elite. Elite pays you like it sounds like it would.

Here you'll happily receive 30% on your incredible first level, and 20% of your second's.

You also get the option to choose whether you'd like to receive either: $1.00 for every active referral you have from the U.S.A. Canada or the U.K. who completes thier very first cash offer (that has cleared), or $3.00 when a referral from any country earns their first $10.00

Continue to blog or post about what you like about your favorite gpt, and refer people as you go along, and the really convenient part is that they mail you your checks at home... delivered right to your door. Nice!

Another thing to keep in mind is be sure to use AutoFill, Clear Cookies in between surveys should you choose to do them, and have a dedicated email separate from your usual one. Keeps the mail you're generating from offers separate from your usual mailbox. You'll thank me later.
Any other questions that come up , after you sign up free, go to Forums there and you're good.

Or just post a question here.
See you on the other side of Elite Level when I get there. Will you join me?

Click Here!