Friday, July 25, 2008

Time is Running Out for You to Join Qassia


Qassia is one of my favorite things online. They're coming out of Beta soon and the traffic it's helped generate to this website has been amazing.
To get in, just use my name. Type in and go to town.
Here's the deal straight from them:
The objective of this site is to allow website owners and webmasters to efficiently promote their web sites. Those promoting their websites on Qassia are rewarded with traffic and exposure for their websites in our web directory. The ultimate goal of this site is to obviate the need for link exchanges or submissions to web directories during the SEO (search engine optimization) process, and to instead focus website promotion activity on the development of original content.

Once you sign up (for free) you'll see why I love it.
Enjoy your weekend!


Friday, July 18, 2008

You Have To Check This Out - Seriously!

Go to Aisle 19
You have to be invited in, so here ya go: Enter 510213
Hit me back on email.

Monday, July 7, 2008

You Don't Have to Do a Single Survey. Ever.

Unless you would like to.

That's right.

Once you join a get paid to site like CashCrate or Gangster Greed, you only need to refer other people.

As they fill out surveys, complete free offers & refer other people - YOU get paid a very nice percentage of all the money they earn. How simple is that?

The reason I really like CashCrate is because - they pay their members so consistently & keep them happy. There are lots of offers to choose from, and they have a Forum where you can always fing an answer to the questions you have. Plus there have been so many people pull in an extra $1000. and more a month just from this one gpt. Of course it's free to sign up. Click here to start, be sure to note your referral number you get for signing up.

The cool part is they mail your paychecks right to you every month like clockwork.

There are so many reasons I like Gangster Greed! For starters, they pay out the fastest, hands down. They actually let you cash out every time you've earned $10.00. Then the way they pay you is pretty cool - they pay you thru paypal. This is very convenient. A lot of people like them because of this most of all.

They also have all 100% free offers. There is no credit card required for any of the offers on Gangster Greed. Click here to begin, & start referring people to your referral number yourself!

It's always a good idea to do at least a few of the free offers so you know what you're referring people to. But you certainly don't have to in order to make money. It adds to your money is all.

Download a free program like RoboForm if you don't have AutoFill in your browser. This makes the completion of offers go much more quickly.

I found this video on youtube. It's very helpful because a lot of people think you have to go on and on with the offers. There are plenty of videos that explain this sort of thing though. Click here to see it. and another on is Here.

Happy Referring!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Get Referrals. Just Don't Spam

And now a word about this subject of spamming for those of you new to this site, get paid to sites & everything related.

This comes straight from the Administrator of
CashCrate. Let's check out what he has to say on the subject.

We would like to remind our members to advertise their referral links in a responsible fashion. We know the majority of you have no problem following the rules, but it's for those that choose not to follow the rules that this message is meant. Our rule regarding your link promotion is pretty simple and can be summed up in two words: Don't Spam!

What's Considered Spam?

Spam, basically, is posting links where they are unwanted or against the rules. If you visit other sites and create accounts for the sole purpose of posting your CashCrate link, you're probably spamming! Our #1 concern is that you follow the rules of other websites and refrain from posting your link if it isn't allowed., for example, has made it clear that no CashCrate links should be posted on their site, since commercial promotion of any kind is against their rules. Posting links on Facebook would violate our anti-spam policy, and therefore would put your account at risk.

By giving out your referral link only when it's wanted, you not only help to preserve CashCrate's good name, but you also protect yourself. Spam is such a big problem on the Internet these days that large companies (such as MySpace and Facebook) are actively pursuing those that post spam on their networks. The last thing we want is for one of our members to find themselves in legal trouble for violating another site's anti-spam policies.

Please remember that spamming your referral link in any manner (through email, message boards, social networking sites, etc.) is strictly forbidden, and by violating this rule, you're putting your account and earnings at risk.

There are still plenty of good, legal ways to get referrals, just remember to treat others with respect while you're at it!

Thanks, Joe

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Am I In the Running?

Watch the whole thing to understand.
Special Thanks to Ms. Amy Bass for passing this along :D

Check out her incredible journey here now!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Where to Get Referrals

It pays to be a recruiter.

When you sign up for one of the Get Paid To sites, like CashCrate or Gangster Greed, it's free, right? So you're good there. Now. Continue reading for a great list of where to get yourself some signups. Also for nada.

Well, just so you know - when you feel you don't want to do a single survey, ever again. Don't!
I mean it's fine if you have the time. If you want to try some great products. Go ahead. But ...

You never have to. Ever. Just publicize your personal referral number. Let those who don't mind doing surveys have at it.

With more than 40.2 million stay at home moms looking for work at home, it shouldn't be too hard. Why? Because it costs nothing. You can feel good about offering someone a way to make money online. Free.

Here's a rundown of the best sites to *ahem* set your sights on.... Even though they hate me right now, I still have to say - it's a great place to be.
Simply because of the number of discussions going on there. At any given time. Go
to discussions where people are looking to make money online. Easy. Oooh! Please!
Don't spam there though. Just don't! You really don't want to do that anywhere come to think of it. I think my banning has more to do with the fact that I mentioned Amy Bass. And she was banned. So, at least I'm in good company. (If you scroll down this page you can see how to buy her ebook below. It's awesome! So many secrets! It's called How I Created $1400. Per Month Passive Income In Under A Month. It's a must read! ) She actually recommends MyLot, which is where I got the idea to begin with. *passes the buck*

Yahoo Answers This is like a... like a ... a huge... question and answer factory! If you'll go into the Personal & Business Categories, you'll find a goldmine of those who want to know how to
work online. Usually I try to find an open question (not a Resolved one) where someone says something like "How can I make a few bucks online?" Just be very honest & upfront. You get a reputation. You get points. Don't muck with it. If there's a sincere need, fill it. End of story.

Don't go overboard in Answers though. It's supposed to be a nice pat answer. There' s a place after you answer a question at the bottom called List Your Source. HellOo... That's where I'm so stealth & put my link to this page. Brilliant! But I had to. It would never let me type & save my CashCrate referral ID in the Source box. Oh gosh. Sometimes I get even stealthier & say, "Hey, Have you considered joining Cash Crate? Use my Referral number to get in - it's 479430. " I felt kinda cheesy doing this till people started thanking me in email & even funnier, voting me Best Answer Giver-er. Or whatever. Ok. Now this is a site with a surprisingly high response rate. You post an ad locally. They let you include pictures. Links to your gpt ID. Very cool. Very worth it.

Free Advertising Forum You can go pure plum crazy here. Just post your brains out & no one cares. I really noticed a lot more signups after I posted like, two threads here. It was weird.

Top Ad Channel I love how you're allowed to post ulimited ads. There's no registration. Just go! Plus they have a Business Directory & you can post your gpt in there. The only drawback is they won't let you enable HTML. That means the link to your gpt won't be clickable. But hey - it's ok. People can just copy your link in your ad, paste it in their browser. No biggie. *shrugs*

Oodle The cool thing about Oodle is ~ you can publish your ad on several hundreds of sites at
the same time. Those include , Google Base, the news, & more! They even include a great list of other places to post for free. So I highly recommend you check 'em out. You can even submit an already-made ad. Just link- it- to... vereh nace... vereh nace indeed.

Wellp. That's it for now. I have to kinda go do other things. But really there's the cream of the crop, there guys, adwise. So just do it! These are major secrets no one tells you. So I'm telling you now. Don't take my word for it though. Do it & let the results speak for themselves.

Let me know how it's workin' for ya.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Spectacular New Way to Make Money

Well. It is to me!

Ok, here's the deal. You just sign up free and... well, let me just cut-n- paste directly from the great new site I've found. That way nothing gets lost in translation:

With URL Cash you will make cash from every link that get posted on your blogs, forums, websites & posts you make on other forums and blogs. It is both simple & easy to get started making that extra revenue today.

The registration process is free, fast and easy.

We will not ask for any personal information during the registration, we value your privacy.

A registration will just benefit you in that you will be able completly use all our features.

  • Start making money today

  • Easy money without annoying anyone

  • Make unlimited paying links in seconds

  • Real time gallery generator for images - more money

  • Keep track of your links with statistics

  • Automatic website script will generate paying links in real time

  • Get paid when you want on time, any time - through PayPal, E-Gold, Bank wire transfer or MoneyBookers

  • Real time submissions to: Myspace, Hi5, Friendster, Xanga, LiveJournal, Freewebs, Facebook, Blogger, Tagged and Typepad.

How cool is that?

I haven't made anything yet. I just signed up a couple hours ago. But it looks to be promising.

I'll let you know how it goes. They have three ways you can make money. They currently support the largest blogs and communities on the Internet.

Apparently, they pay you (us now) up to 78% of URL Cash's income. That's good enough for me.

Wish me luck! Or better yet, sign up here and as my dear friend Korey used to say, "We'll explore it together." God, I miss him!



Sunday, June 29, 2008

Make Money Online

Or, How to Make Money Online for Free

In growing response to the now classic question of modern times, I'll now address how to make money online for free. These are my opinions only. It's only fair to tell you these are things I'm applying. Not things that have made me a millionaire. Heck, they haven't even made me a thousandaire. But I am able to assess rather well the things I'm doing that are working. GPT sites are those that have a get paid to component to them. My first recommendation is that you join them. Now. Why? Becuase they're free.

A good reason to join gpt sites is so not to do surveys, as 99% of the people discussing them will complain about. I have done them, and they're not that bad, relatively speaking. I'd much rather do them than say, other jobs I've had. So, it's all relative.

So what you need to understand about gpt sites is that you get paid passive income . Other people you get to sign up under you do the surveys.. . When a signup of yours signs up other people, when they & their signups complete offers, do surveys, and refer people, YOU get paid a percentage. Of what they've earned. How easy is that?

For the work of placing several online ads, it's worth it.

Another favorite way of mine that so many people are making a killing off of is blogging. You want to build up value for people. That's something I've learned from the best of the best out there. Give people a compelling reason to visit your blog, & the traffic will follow. By using Google Adsense and other free affiliate marketing programs, you can begin to set yourself up for making money. Does it take time? Yes. Is it worth it? MMmmm... See the first answer.

GPT forums. If - instead of just being a GPT recruiter you'd like to try doing surveys, by all means go ahead. The higher paying ones usually seem to want your credit card number in exchange. You can look at it as - not so much making money online for free - but more like a really good coupon saving you on something you would have tried out anyway.

If you'd prefer not to go that route, then stick with the offers marked 100% free. Even if you were wanting to just do surveys, I'd still recommend you refer others to your unique referral URL ID . After you've joined several gpt sites, your next step in how to make money online for free is to pimp that referral!

Plaster the web as much as possible. Join every forum, message board, & social networking site out there. As people read what you have to say in response to others comments and whatnot, you will soon see an increase in traffic. You'll start getting & indexed by the various search engines. As well as from the others in your groups. That's why it's critical that you make certain you include your referral id numbers, in all of them! *See above where you were instructed to join several*

Describe what you like about your favorite gpt groups. Talk at length about how they payout, how often, how much, (you get the idea), & countless random others will, too. A discussion of ways to make money online pretty much have to include a discussion of affiliate marketing. Do a search. Apply to them madly, truly & deeply! Stick as many as are relevant to your type of blog and over time - traffic will follow. It helps to promote your own gpt referrals on your blog, if you can.

There are so many places that offer affiliate services. After you've done this, and installed the html codes into your blog/ website, start majorly sending your blog's address to the search engines yourself. Do a search of submission sites. One by one, submit your site to them all. Have a certain number of sites you want to reach a day. Then stick with it.

Stick with the ones that are free in the beginning. There are many that guarantee your site's placement if you want to pay that though.

The point is when your web ranks in the search engines, when you have a readership that's growing, you'll begin to see the money. How to make money online is something that requires a little creativity, a lot of work. But, if you'll apply these tactics & keep at it, you will get paid. For free! You'll also have multiple streams of passive income.

I get bleary eyed at the proclamations of those who don't understand this, so I'll attempt to do a once-and-for-all explanation: When you post an ad once - When you post your sig once - When you place a market affiiate ad once - and you get paid multiple times for that one time effort, that's passive as opposed to active money you're making. Ok. Moving on...

Same goes for when you recruit someone under you for your get paid to site. They signed up one time, and one time only. Yet every survey they complete, every person they refer pays you over and over for the work involved in recruiting them once.

The same for your blog. It's not like you're having to constantly update it. I mean ok you do, but not at breakneck pace or anything. And besides, after you've posted a new post - once - it's there for internet eternity. So people will continue to read it and sign up for your gpt. Or your product, over and over again. Whether you add to it or not, whether you go on vacation. Or work like a madman tweaking & adding to it. People are going to see it & statistically speaking at least some of them are going to want what you have if it's compelling enough. If it has enough value to them.

So go for it! Work at it . You'll begin to see a payoff depending on many things, including how you word things, how many groups you join - where you're signature includes a link to your site-etc.

More articles like this coming up... Good luck to you in the meantime. I hope this helps you get all the referrals you want. Recruiting can be fun. Check out Yahoo Answers. Check out MyLot. Those are both good places to start. Just remember: No spamming in both of those. Comment me back.


Click Here!

Friday, June 27, 2008

How a GPT Works For You

These checks are recent payouts to other cashcrate members. They used the power of recruiting. Plus they did a few offers & surveys for free.
Isn't it lush? Seeing these - I'm cautiously optimistic. It's a great testament to how far you can go. That's for sure.
Get Paid To sites have been exploding so I just wanted this to be a portal. Share what you know. If you learn something along the way even better!

To go ahead & get started right away makin' money, just click here! Otherwise...

The main one I've been involved with is called CashCrate. (I'll share with you what I consider the second and third best are, in future posts).
I've done the research. Saved you the work. All to see what this whole system has to offer. What I've found is that you can complete fantastic offers sometimes. I've seen insightful surveys that help shape the future of products & services we'll all eventually be offered. So by doing them you really are helping out.

But there's a hidden side to the gpt systems that you may not know. The fact is that you can get multiple streams of income. Without doing multiple amounts of the work. It's thru setting up a strong referral stream of passive income instead. So get past any fear of failure by refocusing on those checks pictured above Give it all you've got. I think you'll be very pleasantly surprised!

See, with Cashcrate, like the other gpts out there, the power of compounding is at work. The seeds you plant really come back to you. You reap your harvest much more quickly than in other industries. Like mlms (multilevel marketing companies). That's because they're free to join, free to sign up with.

With CashCrate you get to start out at what they call the Bronze Level. This earns you a full 20% of what your signups, make.

The even better news is that while you're in Bronze, you also get to earn an additional 10% of the earnings of their respective signups. That's awesome for you & me. But wait - it gets better...
After achieving so many signups that you have 50 people signed up under you, who're actively earning money, (either thru doing offers or referring people, or both) , you move up to the next level, Silver.

Silver pays out 25% of the earnings of your 1st level. You still get that earlier mentioned 10% of the second level (remember: your second level are your signups signups!)

Once you've reached a total of 150 other people signed up under you, which is easy because it's free, you're now at Gold Level. Gold pays 25% for your first level signups, plus a sweet 15% of your second. Isn't that like - well complete & utter coolness? It's so great because you aren't selling anything. People love the chance to make all the extra money they can. Always have, but now more so than ever.

The thing about this is that it's something really anyone can do. Keep that in mind when you're seeking your signups. You aren't selling anyone anything. That greatly helps. This is where you're work pays you back. If someone drops out, or no longer wants to complete surveys, there's always another there in your 1st & 2nd levels to take up the monetary slack. You can always increase your efforts, for free, right? Is it work? Yes. Yes it is.
Once you sign up, you'll be assigned a unique-to-you referral ID number.
Adding your referral URL to your signature is a great way to get signups without much effort.
Join groups. Talk about CashCrate . Discuss the money you've made. Talk about what you love about it. Those are proven great strategies you need to leverage your blogs, groups, message boards etc. Add your signature with a link to your referral number to your outgoing email. Change the settings so it automatically gets included with every email you send out. Simple. You're now making money while you snooze at night. Because other ppl see it and sign up under your ID #.

So getting back to the levels... At 300 active, participating members who are all signed up under you, you achieve the glory of the Platinum Level. Platinum's great, again a testament to the power of leverage. When you reach it, you'll really start to do your happy dance. Platinum pays very well. Far above a lot other gpt sites out there. Here you get to have a tasty 30% of your first level's money pie. Ch-ching! You'll also still receive a nice 15% in sweet passive income as you collect all your signups' signups, not to mention snort-laughing all the way to the bank.

Finally, we have *cue the Heaven's parting orchestral music* the Big Kahuna. Aka The Elite Level. Now you're cooking with oil, as my daddy used to say.

When you've churned out the work of posting online, made your handy fliers, wallpapered your city with them, online in both domestic and foreign countries haha... With your 500 active referrals under you - you pretty much deserve that levels pay. Elite pays you like it sounds like it would.

Here you'll happily receive 30% on your incredible first level, and 20% of your second's.
You also get the option to choose whether you'd like to receive either: $1.00 for every active referral you have from the U.S.A. Canada or the U.K. who completes thier first (that has cleared), or - $3.00 when a referral from any country earns their first $10.00
It's up to you. From what I can tell - you have the option to change that at anytime.

Continue to blog. Post about what you like about your gpt. Just refer people as you go. The really convenient part is they mail your paychecks. To your home... delivered right to your door. Nice!

Another thing to keep in mind is: be sure to use AutoFill. It's that button in your browser if you have Windows Vista. Go to Tools, click Internet Options, click Delete & choose to Clear Cookies in between surveys . Have a dedicated email separate from your usual one. Keeps the mail you're generating doing offers separate from your usual mailbox. You'll thank me later!
Any other questions that come up , after you sign up , go to Forums. Or just post a question here.

See you on the other side of Elite Level when I get there. Hey! Will you join me?

Click Here!

Mini-Finance Glossary

Mini Finance Glossary here! When dealing with real estate finance, do you know the context that words you've heard before really mean, in terms of buying a house? It'll help if you do. It's part of the reason so many are losing their shirts in the foreclosure status quo. Don't you be next!
Any of these look familiar?

Acceleration Clause: Ok. This means, essentially, that if you as the borrower can't, won't or don't pay your loan back --in the way you said you would (and by 'said' I mean your signature), then you agree that the whole and entire amount of money you owe is now due. Right this minute! All promissory (not promissary) notes have an implied acceleration clause, even if it's not spelled out. Keep that in mind.

Due On Sale Clause: Alrighty, this is saying you agree that you won't sell your house (or whatever property the clause is being applied to). Very similar to the above mentioned acceleration clause. The lender is asserting their right to get (from you, right now!) all the money you owe IF YOU SELL. So, if you see this in your contract, it's easy -- don't try to sell it without the lender knowing. If you do, you owe all the money you were paying on a monthly basis, immediately! Basically, all loans have to be paid off when sold (ideally). A mortgage is a loan, and therefore, due when and if that happens. Now, it's the lender's choice whether or not to enforce it. But usually, they do.

In Lieu of: okay, this pretty much means the same in or outside of the real estate context. It means 'instead of.' As in "deed 'in lieu of' foreclosure." (The lender will take the property subject to any and all junior liens).

Discount Points: Interest (the money you pay for the privilege of borrowing money) that you pay UP FRONT. The lender's saying "If you pay me some more interest now, you can pay me less interest later." That's what they're saying, so just know that.

Points you pay are the same on virtually all loans. The word 'yield' equals... profits! For the lender. Points are paid to include yield to the lender. So it's almost like you want to increase their yield on the front end to sort of entice them to like, totally lower the ultimate profit they really want to get later! My opinion? Don't pay points. Like, ever. UnLESS -- you can talk the seller into paying them; if you're that clever, then I guess it's ok, isn't it?


One discount point's gonna lower the rate of interest 1/8th a percent. So of course the opposite's true.
One point conversely raises the yield one-eighth of a percent (of the loan amount). So to wrap, points are just a percent. Of the loan.


Let's move on.

Capital Gains: A gain is an advantage right? A positive sounding thing, to be sure. Well it is in this arena too. A gain from the the sale of real property (real property means: not personal property, or, believe it or not, 'personalty' and 'chattel') anyway, a gain is called a capital gain when a person sells realty for more than they paid for it.

If you sell anything and get more for it than what you originally paid, you are said to have 'realized' a gain. Now, the profits realized from the sale OR exchange of real property, are taxed. Those profits are taxed as ordinary ol' income IF IT'S A SHORT TERM capial gain. Short term is defined as twelve months or less. The maximum tax rate that applies to long term capital gain is fifteen percent. Long term being held longer than twelve months.

Fun things can happen when when you get the knack of exchanging your property for another, VERY SIMILAR, property. Oh sweetness in store... Like, for one, you don't have to pay capital gains on that exchange. The name for this situation is ten thirty-one. It's 1031 because that is the number of the Internal Revenue Service's code for it. So, check with them before attempting to do this. Consult with them before even thinking of attempting to do this! Very similar is in reference to the fact that the two items of property are very alike in nature, even if they don't exactly look alike so much, and therefore are referred to as 'Like-kind' exchanges.

After talking with them, and a really good lawyer, it can be very cool a thing to delve into.

Click here to get cash for your Mortgage note.

Click Here!

Got Notes?

Despite a bearish sagging economy and what the Wall Street Journal called "stagflation," there's still plenty of money to be made by the average person in notes.

Notes are created when real estate, or realty, is sold, and the seller, or the mortgagor, or the trustor, acts as the lender in the transaction, carrying the mortgage to pretty much help the buyer, or the mortgagee, or the beneficiary, buy the realty. Since the seller agrees to carry a portion of the balance of the sales price, known as the principal, this iou is simply called the note.

Notes are discounted when they're sold because they're a promise to pay future money owed.

Future money's not nearly as real as present money, so for that fact, and due to the oldest marketing principle known to mankind, supply and demand, they are sold and bought at a discount. That is, discounted from the principal amount.

Where the money comes in, is in finding investors to buy these discounted notes. In fact, actual lenders bundle and package-sell so many of these that they make up what is called the secondary mortgage market. You don't have to be a player in the secondary mortgage market to make lump sums. There are literally thousands of people holding iou notes who'd love to liquidate for various reasons, and if you can locate them, backed by investors with deep pockets, integrity and experience, these investors would love for you to be the finder, while they become the funder in these transactions.

Note holders don't even have to liquidate the entire note. They can opt to sell a portion, say 10 years worth of incoming payments, for example, while keeping any ballon attached to the end of the mortgage term, or they can choose to sell 24 months' worth of payment stream. Or just the balloon. It's all up to them, and, it's all up to you as the finder. You'll simply negotiate your fee upfront, in writing, and receive your payment for being the middle-man, or brokering the deal, at closing.

Typically, you want to stick with a small percentage of the deal. Three to ten, or even eleven percent of the total value of the note is standard now (in 2008). You can be ridiculous in your pricing after you've established your reputation in the industry. Better to remain somewhat prudent to start. Obviously, lowering your percentage fee when it feels right can only help open up the chances of you landing the fees the you want later, with more experience.

Sources for notes are endless. County clerks offices, real estate agents, brokers and realtors are all great places to start. With any luck, some research, and due diligence on your part, you can be raking in some serious part-time dough in no time!

Click here to get cash for your settlement note now!

Click Here!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Making Money in a GPT World

To make extra side money for your bills, vacation, or 4 dollar gas... You should know about your options in gpt world.
To go ahead & get started right away makin' money, honey, just click here!

They pay once a month, but it is for the previous entire month. What is it? Why, a gpt site of course! But not just any gpt. It is in fact, one of the best paying, most consistent gpt on the entire planet, and name is CashCrate. (I'll share with you what I consider the second and third best are, in future posts).

I've done the research and saved you the work of digging in and really sinking my teeth into what this whole system has to offer. What I've found is that you can complete fantastic offers sometimes and do insightful surveys that help shape the future and the products and services we'll all eventually be offered. That's pretty powerful stuff.

But there's a hidden side to the gpt systems that you may not realize. The fact is that you can get multiple streams of income without doing twice the work. It's thru setting up a strong referral stream of passive income instead. So get past any fear of failure and give it all you've got and I think you'll be very pleasantly surprised!
See, with Cashcrate, like the other gpts out there, the power of compounding is at work. The seeds you've planted really come back to you, & you'll reap your harvest much more quickly than in other industries like mlms (multilevel marketing companies).

With CashCrate you get to start out at what they call the Bronze Level. This earns you a full 20% of what the people you can get to sign up under you, make.

The even better news is that while you're in Bronze, you also get to earn an additional 10% of the earnings of their respective signups. That's awesome for you and me. But wait - it gets better...

After achieving so many signups that you have 50 people signed up under you, who're actively earning money, either thru doing offers or referring people, or both, as is usually the case, you move up to the next level, Silver.
Silver pays out to you 25% of the earnings of your 1st level, and you still get that earlier mentioned 10% of the second (remember: your second level are your signups signups!)

Once you've reached a total of 150 other people signed up under you, which is easy to do if you'll put the time into it, because it's free, you're now at the Gold Level. Gold pays you 25% for your first level signups, and now a sweet 15% of your second. Isn't that like, well, complete & utter coolness? It's so great because you aren't selling anything. People love the chance to make all the extra money they can, always have, but most especially in these times.

The thing about this is that it's something most anyone can do. Keep that in mind when you're seeking your signups. This is where you're work pays you back. If someone drops out, or no longer wants to complete surveys, there's always another person there in your 1st and 2nd levels to take up the slack. You can always increase your efforts, for free. Adding your unique referral URL to your signature is a great way to get signups without any extra work. Join groups, and talk about CashCrate and the money you've made, what you love about it, and you're all set. Those are proven great strategies you need to use to leverage your blogs, groups and message boards online. Add your signature with a link to your referral number to your outgoing email. Change the settings so that it automatically gets included with every email you send out or respond to. Simple. You're now making money while you snooze at night.

So getting back to the levels. At 300 active participating members who are all signed up under you, you achieve the glory of the Platinum Level. Platinum's great, again a testament to the power of leverage so that when you reach it, you'll really start to do your happy dance. Platinum pays very well, far above virtually all the other gpt sites out there. At this level you get to have a tasty 30% of your first level's money pie. Ch-ching! You'll also still receive a nice 15% in sweet passive income as you collect on all your signups' signups, not to mention snort-laughing all the way to the bank.

Finally, we have *cue the Heaven's parting orchestral music* the Big Kahuna. aka The Elite Status, baby! Now you're cooking with oil, as my daddy used to say.

When you've churned out the work of posting online, made your handy fliers and wallpapered your whole city with them, and generally posted all over the place, in both domestic and foreign countries; With your 500 active referrals under you - you deserve that much heralded level known as Elite. Elite pays you like it sounds like it would.

Here you'll happily receive 30% on your incredible first level, and 20% of your second's.

You also get the option to choose whether you'd like to receive either: $1.00 for every active referral you have from the U.S.A. Canada or the U.K. who completes thier very first cash offer (that has cleared), or $3.00 when a referral from any country earns their first $10.00

Continue to blog or post about what you like about your favorite gpt, and refer people as you go along, and the really convenient part is that they mail you your checks at home... delivered right to your door. Nice!

Another thing to keep in mind is be sure to use AutoFill, Clear Cookies in between surveys should you choose to do them, and have a dedicated email separate from your usual one. Keeps the mail you're generating from offers separate from your usual mailbox. You'll thank me later.
Any other questions that come up , after you sign up free, go to Forums there and you're good.

Or just post a question here.
See you on the other side of Elite Level when I get there. Will you join me?

Click Here!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Cashcrate is the name of a GPT site, or a Get Paid To site.

While there are many Get Paid To sites around, cashcrate is one of the best, if not the best I have ever used.
If you do a search online you will find alot of gpt sites and it can be hard to choose the ones that are legit, easy to use and most importantly, actually pay.

Many people never try GPT sites because they do not believe that any are true companies that pay. I, for one can tell you that there is at least one real site out there.

I have been a member of cashcrate for quite sometime and have received checks each month and on time. Cashcrate is a very easy way to earn money online.

First of all cashcrate is free to sign up, just fill out a short form and you are on your way to making some easy money.

Companies pay the owners of cashcrate to find people to review their products, services, and websites. Cashcrate pays you a percentage of what they receive to do that for them. All you have to do is be at least 13 years of age and older to sign up.

This site allows members from the United States as well as International members to join. How much you earn depends on how much time you devote to doing 2 things: completing offers, and getting people to sign up under your referral URL.

However most people I've come across don't realize that therein is real secret. The real way to make good money is in the referrals you can get.


Cashcrate has one of the very best referral systems of any GPT program.

When you sign up for Cashcrate you will be given your own referral URL. You can find it on the Referral Info page.

Cashcrate has what is called a two tier program. With the two tier program, everytime someone signs up under your referral URL, you make 20% of what they make, and then 10% of what their referrals make.

So you make money for whomever you get to sign up, and whomever they get to sign up.

The beauty in this is that you're now making passive income. You're getting paid for what someone else did. They either completed surveys, or got people to sign up under them.

You didn't do the surveys (although again, you certainly could). You made money when someone else did surveys, when they posted free ads online to one of the many sites that accept free advertising. When they got others to sign up.

And you made more money - that you didn't have to personally work for - because your signups got others signed up under them. Because you didn't have to actively do anything other than posting ads & flyers yourself, you weren't active in generating the income you created. You were merely passive. Hence the name, passive income. It's nice to know you're making money whether you're working on it or sleeping.

Cashcrate offers many different types of offers that you can complete for cash. There is an entire section of absolutely free offers.

Just register for the sites or fill out surveys and get paid. Easy as that.

There are also other offers you can complete on , such as free trials. Companies pay you to try out their products. Some of these offers require you to use a credit card number and pay for shipping and handling. I have tried a few of the free trials and have never had a problem cancelling the trial before I am charged.

You will also receive a $3.00 bonus for every person who meets the $10 minimum payout. As you gain more referrals, your rank will go up. The higher the rank, the more money you get from your referrals and when you hit the 2nd rank your checks are processed on the 1st instead of the 15th.
Click here to get started making money right now, for free: